Yikes - Mark has done terrific work in some very demanding areas, &
I'd hate to see him feel unwelcome.  So that's my advice:  find a way
to smooth this over.  You're welcome ;-)

>> ...
>> I understand the desire to keep dirty laundry in. I would like to keep
>> it in too. Unfortunately the offending person in this case chose not
>> to; I will not speculate about his motivation. This is not unusual; I
>> can recall several incidents over the past few years (all completely
>> different in every detail of course) where someone blew up publicly
>> and there wasn't much of a chance to keep the incident under wraps. I
>> see it as the risk of doing business in public -- which to me still
>> beats the risk of doing business in back rooms many times over.

[Mark Lawrence]
> If you're referring to me I'm extremely offended.  Yes or no?

Have to confess I can't see what's offensive in what Guido wrote
there.  If you're inclined to feel offended, how about going back to

    Which to me sounds defiant and passive-aggressive. I don't
    want to go into analyzing, but I expect that Mark has issues
    that are beyond what this community can deal with.

Even I felt a bit offended by that one ;-)

speaking-as-one-who-has-issues-no-community-can-deal-with-ly y'rs  - tim
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