On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 05:47, Michael Foord <fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> On 08/11/2010 22:07, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
>>> I think we need to, as a group, decide how to handle undocumented APIs
>>> that don't have a leading underscore: they get treated just the same
>>> as the documented APIs, or are they private regardless and thus we can
>>> change them at our whim?
>> To start with, it doesn't hurt for a maintainer to add an __all__ entry
>> and to only document the parts of the API we think need to be exposed.  That
>> way, we can at least declare the parts that are intended to be public on a
>> go-forward basis.
>> For the most part, the non-underscored parts of the API shouldn't be
>> changed "at our whim".  Some sense needs to be applied to the decision.
>>  Google's code search is great for showing how people actually have used a
>> module in real world code.  If that shows that people are accessing and/or
>> changing an attribute, it probably needs to remain exposed.   In the absence
>> of a code search, good guesses can be made about what someone might
>> reasonably and usefully be accessing (i.e. glob0 isn't likely).   The goal
>> is to improve the standard library while minimizing breakage, and that will
>> involve trade-offs depending on what is being changed.
>> IIRC, we've been trying to get away from deprecations because they're so
>> disruptive.  For example, when the pprint rewrite is finally ready, if there
>> is an incompatible API change, I expect that a new clean class will be
>> offered, but that the old will be left in-place so that tons of existing
>> code won't break).  Likewise, with the unittest clean-ups, I'm expecting
>> that Michael will introduce aliases when fixing-up mis-named methods, rather
>> than break code that uses the existing names.
> So it is obvious that we don't have a clearly stated policy for what defines
> the public API of standard library modules.
> How about making this explicit (either pep 8 or our developer docs):
> If a module or package defines __all__ that authoritatively defines the
> public interface. Modules with __all__ SHOULD still respect the naming
> conventions (leading underscore for private members) to avoid confusing
> users. Modules SHOULD NOT export private members in __all__.
> Names imported into a module a never considered part of its public API
> unless documented to be so or included in __all__.
> Methods / functions / classes and module attributes whose names begin with a
> leading underscore are private.
> If a class name begins with a leading underscore none of its members are
> public, whether or not they begin with a leading underscore.
> If a module name in a package begins with a leading underscore none of its
> members are public, whether or not they begin with a leading underscore.
> If a module or package doesn't define __all__ then all names that don't
> start with a leading underscore are public.
> All public members MUST be documented. Public functions, methods and classes
> SHOULD have docstrings. Private members may have docstrings.
> Where in the standard library this means that a module exports stuff that
> isn't helpful or shouldn't be part of the public API we need to migrate to
> private names and follow our deprecation process for the public names.

All sounds reasonable to me and what common practice out in the community is.


> All the best,
> Michael Foord
>> my-two-cents,
>> Raymond
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