Am 30.11.2010 09:15, schrieb Hagen Fürstenau:
>>> During PEP 3003 discussion, it was suggested to handle it on a case by
>>> case basis, but I don't see discussion of the upgrade to 6.0.0 in PEP
>>> 3003.
>> It's covered by "As the standard library is not directly tied to the
>> language definition it is not covered by this moratorium."
> How is this restricted to the stdlib if it defines the set of valid
> identifiers?

The language does not change. The language specification says

Python 3.0 introduces additional characters from outside the ASCII range
(see PEP 3131). For these characters, the classification uses the
version of the Unicode Character Database as included in the unicodedata

That remains unchanged. It was a deliberate design decision of PEP 3131
to not codify a fixed set of characters that can be used in identifiers.

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