Eric Smith wrote:
> On 12/2/2010 5:43 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Eric Smith wrote:
>>>> The current behavior should go nowhere; it is not useful. Something
>>>> very
>>>> similar to the current behavior (but done correctly) should go into the
>>>> locale module.
>>> I agree with everything Martin says here. I think the basic premise is:
>>> you won't find strings "in the wild" that use non-ASCII digits but do
>>> use the ASCII dot as a decimal point. And that's what float() is looking
>>> for. (And that doesn't even begin to address what it expects for an
>>> exponent 'e'.)
>> "In China, comma and space are used to mark digit groups because dot
>> is used as decimal mark."
> Is that an ASCII dot? That page doesn't say.

Yes, but to be fair: I think that the page actually refers to the
use of the Arabic numeral format in China, rather than with their
own script symbols.

>> Note that float() can also parse integers, it just returns them as
>> floats :-)
> :)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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