On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Robert Kern <robert.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> level = logging._levelNames[opt.logLevel]
>> That doesn't work (_levelNames maps from integers to strings, we want
>> the mapping from strings to integers and it is only the module globals
>> that provides that).
> At least in Python 2.6, it maps both ways. But then again, it is an
> _implementation _detail that should not be relied upon in your programs.

Ah, you're quite right - I didn't notice that when looking at the
contents (the first entries happened to map levels to names)

> I
> would suggest that there should be two dictionaries as part of the
> documented API, one mapping numbers to names and one mapping names to
> numbers. Or functions/methods returning said dictionaries. Having the entire
> mappings at hand is more useful than having functions that do the
> translation. They would allow you to auto-generate UIs (e.g. the help text
> for a --log-level argument or a radio box widget in a GUI). Having separate
> mappings makes them easier to work with than the 2.6-style _levelNames
> mapping.

Definitely something worth considering for 3.3.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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