On 21/12/2010 01:57, Nick Coghlan wrote:
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Antoine Pitrou<solip...@pitrou.net>  wrote:
Diffing is completely an implementation detail of how the failure
messages are generated. The important thing is that failure messages
make sense with respect to actual result and expected result.
Which, again, they don't. Let's see:

    self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
AssertionError: 'a\nb\nc\ne\n' != 'a\nb\nc\nd\n'
- e
+ d

The diff shows "expected - actual", but it would be logical (in your own
logic) to display "actual - expected". The whole issue disappears if you
drop this idea of naming the arguments "actual" and "expected".
To make this a bit clearer...

class Ex(ut.TestCase):
...   def demo(self):
...     self.assertEqual("actual", "expected")
Traceback (most recent call last):
   <snip TB details>
AssertionError: 'actual' != 'expected'
- actual
+ expected

For the actual/expected terminology the diff is the wrong way around
(as of 3.2b1, anyway).

The recent commit that sparked the controversy was supposed to ensure that all the asserts were documented consistently *and* worked as per the documentation. The error above is from assertMultiLineEqual.

assertListEqual has the same issue:

>>> t.assertListEqual([1], [2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Lists differ: [1] != [2]

First differing element 0:

- [1]
+ [2]

Interestingly assertSetEqual already uses the first/second symmetric wording:

>>> t.assertSetEqual({1}, {2})
AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:
Items in the second set but not the first:

My own +1 goes to keeping the actual/expected terminology (and
ordering) and adjusting the diffs accordingly (with a header noting
that the diff is old=expected, new=actual).

Well we don't have consensus. Whatever we do we need to be consistent, and in the absence of an agreement about a change we should at least make all the behaviour and documentation consistent.

From this discussion and the discussion on the issue tracker:

Myself, Nick Coghlan and Ezio Melotti prefer (actual, expected)
Raymond like (actual, expected) but would be happy with symmetrical diffs
Guido prefers the (actual, expected) ordering but prefers diffs to show the other way round
R David Murray agreed with Guido
Terry Reedy liked the change
Glenn Linderman wants (actual, expected) and diffing to follow that
Ron Adam ditto

Symmetrical diffs (element in first not in second, element in second not in first) solves the problem without imposing an order on the arguments. Actually unittest *has* used (first, second) to refer to the arguments to asserts pretty much since its inception. Losing the (actual, expected) terminology is a cost of this but unittest hasn't emphasised this terminology in the past (as I thought it had).

This won't work for diffing strings (assertMultiLineEqual) which use difflib and needs a direction for the diff. As above it is currently the wrong way round for (actual, expected).

The other alternative is to make them consistent and follow Nick's suggestion adding the header note to the diffs that old=expected, new=actual.

assertRaises() *is* an exception to the general actual/expected
pattern, but that asymmetry is forced by the ability to pass arbitrary
positional arguments to the function being tested (which later proved
useful for the context manager form as well).
The (actual, expected) pattern matches the way almost everyone I've ever seen write if statements and asserts:

    if x == 5: rather than if 5 == x:
    assert x == 5 rather than assert 5 == x

It also matches functions like isinstance and issubclass.

On the other hand it doesn't match the way we report TypeErrors where we report "expected <some type>, got <other type>".

All the best,

Michael Foord



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