On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:17 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> On 21/12/2010 01:57, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Antoine Pitrou<solip...@pitrou.net>
>>  wrote:
>>>> Diffing is completely an implementation detail of how the failure
>>>> messages are generated. The important thing is that failure messages
>>>> make sense with respect to actual result and expected result.
>>> Which, again, they don't. Let's see:
>>>    self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
>>> AssertionError: 'a\nb\nc\ne\n' != 'a\nb\nc\nd\n'
>>>  a
>>>  b
>>>  c
>>> - e
>>> + d
>>> The diff shows "expected - actual", but it would be logical (in your own
>>> logic) to display "actual - expected". The whole issue disappears if you
>>> drop this idea of naming the arguments "actual" and "expected".
>> To make this a bit clearer...
>>>>> class Ex(ut.TestCase):
>> ...   def demo(self):
>> ...     self.assertEqual("actual", "expected")
>> ...
>>>>> Ex("demo").demo()
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   <snip TB details>
>> AssertionError: 'actual' != 'expected'
>> - actual
>> + expected
>> For the actual/expected terminology the diff is the wrong way around
>> (as of 3.2b1, anyway).
> The recent commit that sparked the controversy was supposed to ensure that
> all the asserts were documented consistently *and* worked as per the
> documentation. The error above is from assertMultiLineEqual.
> assertListEqual has the same issue:
>>>> t.assertListEqual([1], [2])
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  ...
> AssertionError: Lists differ: [1] != [2]
> First differing element 0:
> 1
> 2
> - [1]
> + [2]
> Interestingly assertSetEqual already uses the first/second symmetric
> wording:
>>>> t.assertSetEqual({1}, {2})
>  ...
> AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:
> 1
> Items in the second set but not the first:
> 2
>> My own +1 goes to keeping the actual/expected terminology (and
>> ordering) and adjusting the diffs accordingly (with a header noting
>> that the diff is old=expected, new=actual).
> Well we don't have consensus. Whatever we do we need to be consistent, and
> in the absence of an agreement about a change we should at least make all
> the behaviour and documentation consistent.
> From this discussion and the discussion on the issue tracker:
> Myself, Nick Coghlan and Ezio Melotti prefer (actual, expected)
> Raymond like (actual, expected) but would be happy with symmetrical diffs
> Guido prefers the (actual, expected) ordering but prefers diffs to show the
> other way round

Actually I said there was no right answer.

I certainly do not want the diff output to treat the second arg as
"old" and the first one as "new" -- that would be just as confusing.

All in all I'd like to get rid of any vestiges of actual and expected;
I think the first/second wording is the best we can come up with it.

> R David Murray agreed with Guido

That's hard to believe since I don't agree with myself. :-)

> Terry Reedy liked the change
> Glenn Linderman wants (actual, expected) and diffing to follow that
> Ron Adam ditto
> Symmetrical diffs (element in first not in second, element in second not in
> first) solves the problem without imposing an order on the arguments.
> Actually unittest *has* used (first, second) to refer to the arguments to
> asserts pretty much since its inception. Losing the (actual, expected)
> terminology is a cost of this but unittest hasn't emphasised this
> terminology in the past (as I thought it had).
> This won't work for diffing strings (assertMultiLineEqual) which use difflib
> and needs a direction for the diff. As above it is currently the wrong way
> round for (actual, expected).
> The other alternative is to make them consistent and follow Nick's
> suggestion adding the header note to the diffs that old=expected,
> new=actual.
>> assertRaises() *is* an exception to the general actual/expected
>> pattern, but that asymmetry is forced by the ability to pass arbitrary
>> positional arguments to the function being tested (which later proved
>> useful for the context manager form as well).
> The (actual, expected) pattern matches the way almost everyone I've ever
> seen write if statements and asserts:
>    if x == 5: rather than if 5 == x:
>    assert x == 5 rather than assert 5 == x
> It also matches functions like isinstance and issubclass.
> On the other hand it doesn't match the way we report TypeErrors where we
> report "expected <some type>, got <other type>".
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
>> Cheers,
>> Nick.
> --
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/
> May you do good and not evil
> May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
> May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
> -- the sqlite blessing http://www.sqlite.org/different.html
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