I should've mentioned that I'd like a consensus (or a lack of protest)
on the changes related to these snippets:
-"Exclusions of MS Windows"

I think you won't get consensus on that: there are strong proponents and strong opponents (I think Mark being a strong proponent of such
exclusion, and Michael being a strong opponent). I personally don't
care either way much, but will only do with the Windows installer what
the PEP tells me to do (if anything) (more precisely, I remain -0
on changing 2.7, and +0 on changing 3.3).

So it comes back to you as the PEP author to take a stance, which
you did. It's recommended tradition to record any opposing opinions
in the PEP, along with rebuttals, so that the same arguments aren't
brought up over and over again. If discussion then settles, it's
up to the PEP dictator to approve or reject the whole text.

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