On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:42:27 -0700, Glenn Linderman <v+pyt...@g.nevcal.com> 
> I don't recall 5-12 step sequences in the DVCS PEP when I read it once, 
> for any of the tools, but things progressed from the time I read it, so 
> maybe they would all have longer sequences.
> Back when I used non-distributed VCS systems like SCCS, RCS, PVCS, CVS, 
> and Clearcase, I don't recall any operations that took more than 2 or 3 
> commands to achieve (merges, of course, were onerous in some of those, 
> and locking sometimes stalled progress in some ways in some of those).

The 12 step cases are exactly merges, and the merges themselves are easy
with hg.

For simply getting a patch in to the default branch, svn had:

svn up
<apply patch etc>
svn up
svn ci

Whereas hg has:

hg pull -u
<apply patch etc>
hg commit
hg push

Same number of steps, but as has been pointed out, the hg push guarantees
no one else has made changes, whereas that safety-belt svn up before
the svn ci doesn't.

R. David Murray           http://www.bitdance.com
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