On 03/21/2011 11:35 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

If people then complain about too much fine-grainedness, we could
tighten it again.

Hi to all for the first time,

I'm new to this list. First of all I would like to thank all you for the great software and ideas you produce.

I found this thread of discussion interesting and well, it's just an idea:

Why not to TAG the final feature ? May be in a “parsable”, standard form ?


>> hg tag -m “Feature : Templates for code generation, status: Done”

So If one doesn't want to see the “in between”, a tag filter can be applied, or something similar …

Of course there are 2 types of info here: “private” and “public” and well, like in python, use some kind of “underline” for private names here (def _do_my_thing(self): pass)

May be can be somehow automated …

Cheers / Saludos


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