On Thursday, October 13, 2011 04:02:27 PM Jeremy Kloth wrote:
> That said, I have been working on a drop-in replacement for the current
> bdist_wininst executable stub with the following features:
> - install to 32- or 64-bit Python installations from a single installer;
>   currently one installer for each architechure is required
> - install to any Python from version 2.4 to the latest;
>   currently one installer is needed for each major version
> - updated look and feel (Wizard97) with the new (as of Python 2.5!) logo;
>   for some screen shots see:
>   http://www.flickr.com/photos/67460826@N04/sets/72157627653603530/
> - unicode metadata support (name, summary, description)
> - runs on Win95 through Win7 (that is, all support platforms for the
> supported Python versions for packaging)
> - per-user installs (as in, setup.py install --user);
>   currently only system-wide or per-user based on permissions and how
> Python itself was installed

I missed a few additional features:
- UAC (Vista, Win7) is handled at the install phase depending on the selected 
Python target (system or user installed Python or user site-packages);
  currently just at the running of the installer
- pre-/post- install and remove script support with the scripts no longer 
needing to be installed with the distribution
- MSVCRT agnostic; built completely with the Windows API meaning only one stub 
EXE required;
  currently there is one stub per MSVCRT version

Jeremy Kloth
Python-Dev mailing list

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