Perhaps the python-dev mailing list should be renamed to python-core.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Stefan Behnel <> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for hooking into this off-topic thread.
> Amaury Forgeot d'Arc, 09.01.2012 19:09:
>> 2012/1/9 <>
>>> I am trying to send a tuple to a method of a python class and I got a Run
>>> failed from netbeans compiler
>>> when I want to send a tuple to a simple method in a module it works,when I
>>> want to send a simple parameter to a method of a clas it works also but not
>>> a tuple to a method of a class
>> This mailing list is for the development *of* python.
>> For development *with* python, please ask your questions on
>> the comp.lang.python group or the mailing list.
>> There you will find friendly people willing to help.
> It's also worth mentioning the cython-users mailing list here, in case the
> OP cares about simplifying these kinds of issues from the complexity of
> C/C++ into Python. Cython is a really good and simple way to implement
> these kinds of language interactions, also for embedding Python.
>> [for your particular question: keep in mind that PyObject_Call takes
>> arguments as a tuple;
>> if you want to pass one tuple, you need to build a 1-tuple around your
>> tuple]
> The presented code also requires a whole lot of fixes (specifically in the
> error handling parts) that Cython would basically just handle for you already.
> Stefan
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