On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 11:51, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Brett Cannon <brett <at> python.org> writes:
>> Changes to http://docs.python.org/howto/pyporting.html are welcome. I tried 
>> to
>> make sure it exposed all possibilities with tips on how to support as far 
>> back
>> as Python 2.5.
> Right, will take a look. FYI a Google search for "python 3 porting guide" 
> shows
> the Wiki PortingToPy3K page, then Brian Curtin's Python 3 Porting Guide, then
> Lennart Regebro's porting book website, and then the howto referred to above.
> Possibly the Wiki page and Brian's guide need to link to the howto, as I 
> presume
> that's the canonical go-to guide - they don't seem to do so currently.

Funny that you mention this: just a few minutes ago someone mentioned
on twitter that they found and liked the guide I wrote, then I
mentioned the howto/porting page since Brett's last message reminded
me of it, and I mentioned that I should update and link to

In the words of Guido, I will "make it so".
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