On 3/14/2012 6:05 AM, Mark Shannon wrote:

But how do you find issues?

It takes some practice. Since you patched core component dict, I tried All text: dict and Components: Interpreter Core. (Leave default Status: open as is.) 51 issues. Add Keyword: needs review. 0 issues. Whoops, seems not to be used. Change to Keyword: patch. 31 issues. That seems like a manageable number of titles to 'wade through', middle clicking ones that seem promising to open in a new tab.

I want to do some reviews, but I don't want to wade through issues on
components I know little or nothing about in order to find the ones I
can review.

If you want more help, ask me here or privately. I am probably better at searching than fixing.

There does not seem to be a way to filter search results in the tracker.

I am not sure what you mean as there are multiple search fields. The basic text box is, admittedly, limited in that it combines multiple words with AND, with no other choices. An OR search requires multiple searches. Exclusion is not possible that I know of, and perhaps that is what you meant. The other fields that seem most useful to me are Stage, Type, Components, and Status.

Terry Jan Reedy

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