I like to always see "Quick search" widget without scrolling page to
top. Is it possible?
Or maybe you can embed some keyboard shortcut for quick jump to search
input box?

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 25.03.12 11:06, Peter Otten написав(ла):
>> * Inlined code doesn't need the gray background. The bold font makes it
>> stand out enough.
> I believe that the gray background is good, but it should make it lighter.
>> * Instead of the box consider italics or another color for [New in ...]
>> text.
> Yes, the border around "New in" and "Changed in" looks not good-looking.
> Maybe a very light colored background with no border or underlined italic
> will look better.
>> * Maybe the Next/Previous Page headers on the left could link to the
>> respective page.
> Do you mean next/previous links in header/footer?
> I totally agree with your other comments, including the admiration of the
> current version of the design.
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