On 3/26/2012 8:46 AM, Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:

On Mar 26, 2012, at 12:22 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:

Does the css specify Courier New or is this an unfortunate fallback
that might be improved? Perhaps things look better on max/*nix?

I just checked pydoctheme.css and Courier New is not specified
there. It only specifies monospace.

That's a default monospace font set in your browser. I see the code
rendered in the font I selected in my browser preferences as
Fixed-width font: Menlo 14pt.  It's not thin at all -- that's why I
selected it.  :-)

It seems you may want to change that setting in your browser. Firefox
uses Courier New as a default setting.

I found the FireFox monospace setting under
Tools / Options / Content / Default font: / Advanced
and switched to Deja Vu mono, that being the first obviously monospace font I saw. (Lucida Console is similar.) It has the same 2-pixel lines as Ariel, and the page now looks okay, although when black (as for False, True),the lack of serifs reduces the contrast with Arial. I am guessing that the page now looks somewhat more like it did for Georg when he worked on it.

Windows Help uses Internet Explorer settings.
Options / Internet Options / General / Appearance / Fonts
However, this only allows choice of base font for pages without a specified text font, so I do know know what will happen when new format is applied to the .chm files.

Terry Jan Reedy

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