On 02/26/2013 07:01 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 2/25/2013 6:53 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
The currently suggested solution to that seems to be to
make comparison non-transitive, so that Colors.green == 1
and Animals.bee == 1 but Colors.green != Animals.bee.
And then hope that this does not create a quantum black
hole that sucks us all into a logical singularity...

But it will;-).
To repeat myself, transitivity of equality is basic to thought, logic, and sets 
and we should not deliver Python with it
broken. (The non-reflexivity of NAN is a different issue, but NANs are 
intentionally insane.)

Decimal(0) == 0 == 0.0 != Decimal(0) != Fraction(0) == 0
was a problem we finally fixed by making integer-valued decimals
compare equal to the same valued floats and fractions. In 3.3:

from decimal import Decimal as D
from fractions import Fraction as F
0 == 0.0 == D(0) == F(0)

explain the practical problems. We should NOT knowingly go down this road 
again. If color and animal are isolated from
each other, they should each be isolated from everything, including int.

Thank you, Terry.

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