On 04/25/2013 06:23 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
On 26/04/13 13:03, MRAB wrote:
But there _is_ an ordering problem, in that the days wrap around.

Do we want a CircularEnum, then?

Ordering would be defined only up to the starting
value, which you would be required to specify when
doing anything where it mattered.

class Day(CircularEnum):

    sunday = 0
    monday = 1
    saturday = 6

list(Day.startingat(Day.tuesday)) -->
    [Day.tuesday, Day,wednesday, Day.thursday,
     Day.friday, Day.saturday, Day.sunday,

Modular arithmetic would apply, so

Day.saturday + 3 --> Day.tuesday

That would be the replacement for Day(3),
which would be disallowed.

Interesting idea, but why does Day(3) have to be disallowed to make it work?

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