
BTW: I use lots of "*.py-executables" on Linux and OSX, so different extension 
don't bother me.


Am 15.07.2013 um 10:26 schrieb Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com>:

> With the addition of the Python launcher (PEP 397), Python scripts on
> Windows are executable in much the same way as on Unix. However, "out of
> the box" it is still not quite possible to use Python scripts. This is
> because the .py extension is not registered with Windows in the PATHEXT
> environment variable (which holds all file extensions which should be
> looked for on PATH at the command line).
> There are two main consequences to this:
> 1. Under powershell, ".py" files on PATH are not found at all (this is not
> the case with cmd.exe, and may be technically a bug in powershell - but
> it's unlikely to change nevertheless).
> 2. Under both powershell and cmd, users have to explicitly include the
> extension when invoking the command.
> I would like to propose that the .py extension be added to PATHEXT as part
> of the "Register Python Extensions" option in the Python MSI installer.
> This would mean that Python users had a clean way of writing cross-platform
> "wrapper scripts" and command-line applications out of the box, just by
> writing a normal Python script with a #! line at the top.
> Does anyone have any objections to this? I could try to write a patch, but
> I know next to nothing about building MSIs, so if any of the installer
> experts could help that would be fantastic.
> Paul
> PS There would still be one difference, in that scripts intended to be used
> as commands would be named with '.py' on Windows and with no extension on
> Unix, but that's a pretty trivial difference, and reflects fundamental
> platform differences rather than configuration. So I don't propose worrying
> about this.
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