On 03/03/2014 07:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
All of our development guides for testing against trunk are designed
around running from a Mercurial checkout - it would *really* be whole
lot easier for everyone else that is trying to test the release if you
could just do a push from your release clone to a server side clone on
hg.python.org (the link to create one is on
http://hg.python.org/cpython/, and then it's just a hg push to publish
a mirror of the exact state of your current clone).

I've pulled enough shenanigans over here (discarding and recreating the 3.4 branch, rebasing) that I'm really glad I haven't made the revisions public. And I'm not done, either, *yet another* really old revision has cropped up for cherry-picking.

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