On 25 April 2014 21:29, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 April 2014 19:56, Florent <florent.xicl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2014-04-26 0:46 GMT+02:00 Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com>:
>>> Florent is claiming the endorsement of the PEP 8 authors
>>> and the consensus of python-dev for the tool's default behaviour
>>> (as noted above, this makes it personal for me, as I am a
>>> co-author of PEP 8).
>> You're a co-author of PEP 8 since less than a year.
>> I'm the maintainer of the pep8 tool since 2010.
>> You should probably read the LICENSE file which is shipped with the
>> pep8 too, and the disclaimer that I've posted previously.  Never I
>> engage the responsibility of the authors of the PEP 8 document, and I
>> don't give any guarantee of being a *strict* PEP 8 compliance tool.
>> However, you should notice that your ticket in the tracker is opened
>> for 2 months only, and I did not flagged it as being resolved.  As
>> I've stated in my previous mail, I give priority to bugs over other
>> requests.  And even if you think it is a critical bug for yourself, it
>> did not appear like that for the thousands of people which used the
>> library for the last few years.
> I apologise for my impatience. As I stated in that issue, I really
> *want* to be able to uncritically endorse pep8 for use on new Python
> projects, as while I like pylint personally, I think it's too
> complicated (and noisy by default) to recommend its use outside large
> multi-developer projects where taking the time to set up a custom
> config file is likely to pay off.

Note that I've now resumed this discussion on the pep8 issue tracker
(including splitting out a separate RFE specifically relating to the
new'ish guideline for handling of single line function definitions).

My apologies to Florent specifically, and the list in general, for
letting frustrations with unrelated issues boil over into impatience
and unconstructive criticism of a fellow open source contributor's


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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