On Thu, 08 May 2014 10:21:34 -0400
"R. David Murray" <rdmur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> > 
> > "unreliable" reads as "not safe", ie: insecure.
> > 
> > You probably want something like "and access to it may be unreliable".
> Actually, thinking about this some more, *most* end-users aren't going
> to care that there's another point of failure here, they only care if it
> works or not when they try to install it.  So something like
> "cdecimal is not hosted on pypi; download may fail if external server
> is unavailable" might be clearer.
> And once you're at that point, as a user I'm going to grumble, "Well, why
> the heck didn't you just try?", as I figure out how to re-execute the
> command so that it does try.

Agreed. That warning looks rather pointless and only aimed at trying to
enforce the pip developers' ideological preferences.



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