On 09.05.2014 13:44, Donald Stufft wrote:
> On May 9, 2014, at 4:12 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>> Donald: I don't think anyone is arguing that hosting packages on
>> PyPI is a bad thing and PyPI as a service has gotten a lot better
>> than it was a few years ago.
> Didn’t mean to imply that I thought it was otherwise.
>> However, I find it troubling that we as Python developers are *forcing*
>> the whole Python world to put their code into PyPI.
> Forcing is a strong word. As of right now we’re "forcing" you to put it onto
> PyPI if you want to install it without *any* flags to pip. 

Which is what most people expect to be able to do.

> You're more then
> capable of hosting it externally if you wish, and pip will even tell the 
> people
> who try to install it what they need to enable in order to install it. It even
> allows people to say "I don't care about any of this crap, just make all the
> external stuff work".
> Even if pip removed the external link handling all together and required you
> to do something like:
>     $ pip install --extra-index-url https://example.com/our-packages/ foo
>     $ pip install --find-links https://example.com/our-packages/ foo
> We still wouldn't be forcing anyone to upload things to PyPI. We are, however,
> discouraging people from not hosting on PyPI and providing incentives to doing
> that.

This is all true, but in reality, you are making externally hosted
packages second class citizens in Python land by requiring
extra options even for package listings that are perfectly safe
to download from other servers.

As mentioned before: I can understand that you want to make downloads
safe for users, but if a package is hosted on some other reliable
servers and pip can check that it's a valid package, there's little
to argue for not allowing such downloads.

>> There are plenty good reasons not to do this, and sometimes it's
>> even impossible if you want to stay legal (see the PEP for details).
> I re-read the reasons, I'm not sure I really agree with most (or all?) of them
> however if people really want to do it, then there is nothing stopping them.
> It's their choice and people on the *other* side of that who are installing
> these packages also get to make a choice if they want to allow it or not.

You don't have to agree with those reasons. Fact is, they exist,
prevent package authors from uploading to PyPI and we as
Python developers should respect those reasons.

With the new infrastructure, it's far more attractive to
host packages on PyPI than it was before, so people who do
not host on PyPI will have carefully thought about this.

>> Accordingly, we should respect those reasons make it possible for
>> Python packages to live elsewhere, without having our tools put
>> those packages into a bad light or making it harder for Python
>> users to install such packages than needed.
> I'm not sure what "put it into a bad light" is supposed to mean here. Is it
> about the warning? I've already removed that completely.

It's using the same unfortunate strategy that setuptools used by
requiring an option called --single-version-externally-managed
to be able to install a package without all the .pth and egg
logic (an option that pip now uses per default, BTW ;-)).

I snipped the rest of the discussion and reliability, using
unmaintained packages and projects using their own mirrors (which
should really be the standard, not an exceptional case),
because it's not really leading anywhere:

At the time we discussed the PEP, security was the main concern,
not reliability.

Now that there is a secure way to reference external distribution
files, I think we should revisit the defaults decision in the
light of the new possibilities.

BTW: The PEP mentions re-hosting tools to upload their packages
to PyPI and also says "This re-hosting tool MUST be available
before automated hosting-mode changes are announced to package
maintainers."  I am not aware of such tools.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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