On 13 Sep 2014 10:18, "Jeff Allen" <ja...@farowl.co.uk> wrote:
> 4. I think (with Antoine) if Jython supported PEP-383 byte smuggling, it
would have to do it the same way as CPython, as it is visible. It's not
impossible (I think), but is messy. Some are strongly against.

It may be worth trying *without* it (i.e. treat "surrogateescape" as
equivalent to "strict" initially), and seeing how you go. The main purpose
of surrogateescape in CPython 3 is to recreate the "arbitrary 8-bit data
round trips work on POSIX" aspect of CPython 2, which doesn't apply in
exactly the same way on Jython.

Compared to the 8-bit vs 16-bit str discrepancy that exists in Python 2,
"surrogateescape is equivalent to strict" seems like a relatively small
discrepancy in behaviour.

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