On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Paul Sokolovsky <pmis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 09:15:44 -0400
> Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> []
>> >> Also ask why no one used type specifier, they are possible since
>> >> Python 3.0 ?
>> >> Because it is the wrong way for Python.
>> >
>> > That's an example of how perceptions differ. In my list, everyone(*)
>> > uses them - MyPy, MicroPython, etc. Even more should use them (any
>> > JIT module, which are many), but sit in the bushes, waiting for a
>> > kick, like PEP484 provides.
>> It's OK that type hints are only to assist the programmer.
> Yes, it's OK to have a situation where type hints assist only a
> programmer. It's not OK to think that type hints may be useful only for
> programmer, instead of bunch more purposes, several of which
> were already shown in the long previous discussion.
>> PyPy's FAQ
>> has an explanation of why type hints are not for performance.
>> http://pypy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq.html#would-type-annotations-help-pypy-s-performance
> You probably intended to write "why type hints are not for *PyPy's*
> performance". There're many other language implementations and modules
> for which it may be useful, please don't limit your imagination by a
> single case.
> And speaking of PyPy, it really should think how to improve its
> performance - not of generated programs, but of generation itself. If
> compilation of a trivial program on a pumpy hardware takes 5 minutes
> and gigabytes of RAM and diskspace, few people will use it for other
> purposes beyond curiosity. There's something very un-Pythonic in
> waiting 5 mins just to run 10-line script. Type hints can help here
> too ;-) (by not wasting resources propagating types thru the same old
> standard library for example).

Naturally, PyPy is very controversial.

Type annotations can help to compile Python into a subset of Python.
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