On 07.12.2015 21:50, Laura Creighton wrote:
> As webmaster, I am dealing with 3 unhappy would-be python users who have
> windows 10.
> Right now their first problem is that when they click on the big
> yellow button here: https://www.python.org/downloads/
> instead of getting a download of 3.5.1 they get a redirect to
> https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
> I've tried them on both the 
> Download Windows x86 web-based installer
> and
> Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer
> but still no go, they get the  Modify/Repair/Uninstall screen
> like: http://www2.openend.se/~lac/5796.2.png
> I do not know how to help them now.

Have they already tried the regular installers (as opposed to
the web installers) ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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