In a message of Mon, 07 Dec 2015 14:03:41 -0800, Steve Dower writes:
>On 07Dec2015 1324, Steve Dower wrote:
>> On 07Dec2015 1250, Laura Creighton wrote:
>>> As webmaster, I am dealing with 3 unhappy would-be python users who have
>>> windows 10.
>Not directly related to this thread, but I just pushed an update to the 
>Windows installers for 3.5.1. (Should avoid people being confused when 
>the py.exe launcher is removed on upgrade from 3.5.0.)
>There's a chance that people installing over the next 5-10 minutes will 
>see issues. If anyone asks, just let them know to clear their download 
>cache and redownload the installer.
>Apologies in advance for the extra support requests this will generate, 
>and thank you to everyone who helps out by patiently dealing with them.

I am happy to report that one of my outstanding problems was just fixed
by this.  It seems that without the launcher he could not find his
Python.  Many other people who just couldn't get things to work with
Windows 10 and 3.5 report that 3.5.1 fixed things for them, once the
download button started working for them.

And one person, who was a clear member of the would-be scientific
python community I just pointed at Anaconda Python and he reports
happiness (which is good, because I never understood from his mail
what his problem was in the first place.)

I still have one who is having problems.  
We are working on a manual install and he is hitting this:

But, all in all, I can report a great increase in happiness in my
corner of the world.  Thank you and Congratulations.

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