On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 18:29:35 +0200, Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svet...@gmail.com> 
> I my asyncio code typical initialization/finalization procedures are
> much more complicated.
> I doubt if common code can be extracted into asyncio.
> Personally I don't feel the need for `wait_forever()` or
> `loop.creae_context_task()`.
> But even if you need it you may create it from scratch easy, isn't it?

In my own asyncio code I wrote a generic context manager to hold
references to all the top level tasks my ap needs, which automatically
handles the teardown when loop.stop() is called from my SIGTERM
signal handler.

However, (and here we get to the python-dev content of this post :), I
think we are too early in the uptake of asyncio to be ready to say what
additional high-level features are well defined enough and useful enough
to become part of the standard library.  In any case discussions like
this really belong on the asyncio-specific mailing list, which I gather
is the python-tulip Google Group (I suppose I really ought to sign up...)

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