
On 2016-01-27 4:20 PM, Damien George wrote:
Hi Yury,

(Sorry for misspelling your name previously!)

NP.  As long as the first letter is "y" I don't care ;)

Yes, we'll need to add CALL_METHOD{_VAR|_KW|etc} opcodes to optimize all
kind of method calls.  However, I'm not sure how big the impact will be,
need to do more benchmarking.
I never did such fine grained analysis with MicroPython.  I don't
think there are many uses of * and ** that it'd be worth it, but
definitely there are lots of uses of plain keywords.  Also, you'd want
to consider how simple/complex it is to treat all these different
opcodes in the compiler.  For us, it's simpler to treat everything the
same.  Otherwise your LOAD_METHOD part of the compiler will need to
peek deep into the AST to see what kind of call it is.

BTW, how do you benchmark MicroPython?
Haha, good question!  Well, we use Pystone 1.2 (unmodified) to do
basic benchmarking, and find it to be quite good.  We track our code
live at:


The dashboard is cool!

An off-topic: have you ever tried hg.python.org/benchmarks
or compare MicroPython vs CPython?  I'm curious if MicroPython
is faster -- in that case we'll try to copy some optimization

You can see there the red line, which is the Pystone result.  There
was a big jump around Jan 2015 which is when we introduced opcode
dictionary caching.  And since then it's been very gradually
increasing due to small optimisations here and there.

Do you use opcode dictionary caching only for LOAD_GLOBAL-like
opcodes?  Do you have an equivalent of LOAD_FAST, or you use
dicts to store local variables?

That's a neat idea!  You're right, it does require bytecode to become
writeable.  I considered implementing a similar strategy, but this would
be a big change for CPython.  So I decided to minimize the impact of the
patch and leave the opcodes untouched.
I think you need to consider "big" changes, especially ones like this
that can have a great (and good) impact.  But really, this is a
behind-the-scenes change that *should not* affect end users, and so
you should not have any second thoughts about doing it.

If we change the opcode size, it will probably affect libraries
that compose or modify code objects.  Modules like "dis" will
also need to be updated.  And that's probably just a tip of the

We can still implement your approach if we add a separate
private 'unsigned char' array to each code object, so that
LOAD_GLOBAL can store the key offsets.  It should be a bit
faster than my current patch, since it has one less level
of indirection.  But this way we loose the ability to
optimize LOAD_METHOD, simply because it requires more memory
for its cache.  In any case, I'll experiment!

One problem I
see with CPython is that it exposes way too much to the user (both
Python programmer and C extension writer) and this hurts both language
evolution (you constantly need to provide backwards compatibility) and
ability to optimise.

Right.  Even though CPython explicitly states that opcodes
and code objects might change in the future, we still have to
be careful about changing them.

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