
2016-03-29 2:55 GMT+02:00 Ben Hoyt <benh...@gmail.com>:
> I'm the author and current maintainer of the scandir module (Python 3.5's
> os.scandir but for Python 2.x and 3.x before 3.5). But I've taken on a few
> new non-programming projects and found I don't have time for the little
> improvements and fixes that are now in CPython's os.scandir and should be
> backported into the PyPI module.
> So I'm looking for someone who wants to take over the maintenance of the
> scandir PyPI module. It wouldn't be much work, as there are only a couple of
> fairly small issues to fix. Or it might be a good way to start for someone
> who wants to contribute to a small but useful open source module in the
> Python ecosystem.

FYI I just finished (I hope!) to bug on os.walk(bytes) on Windows with
the "emulated" scandir (since os.scandir() only works on Unicode on
Python 3.5+):

Since I helped you to write your PEP 471 (scandir) as the
BDFL-delegate, I think that I now understand well scandir(). So I can
help you to maintain your backport.

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