Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka <at>> writes:
> No impact except emitting a deprecation warning at build time. But we 
> can remove a deprecation warning and add it in future release if this is 
> annoying.
> But are you sure, that your code uses PyModule_AddObject() correctly? 
> Only two modules in the stdlib (_json and _tkinter) used it correctly. 
> Other modules have bugs even in tries to use PyModule_AddObject() 
> correctly for some operations.

Could you perhaps stop labeling this as a bug? Usually we are talking
about a *single* "leak" that a) does not even show up in Valgrind and
b) only occurs under severe memory pressure when the OOM-killer is
already waiting.

I'm honestly mystified by your terminology and it's beginning to feel
that you need to justify this patch at all costs.

Stefan Krah

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