On Jan 30, 2017, at 06:14 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

>What functionality are you after here from pkg_resources? If it's the
>reading of data files then you will get that in the stdlib through
>importlib as soon as I'm not working on getting our workflow to work
>through GitHub's web UI (which obviously includes the migration itself).


Mostly I use:

* resource_filename()
* resource_string() (really, resource_bytes!)
* resource_stream() (although I'd really like a more open()-like API)

This might fall under a simpler PEP 365.  Also, while I would love to have
these available say in importlib, I also like to consider a backward
compatible API where the stdlib provides the `pkg_resources` module name.
That's not totally required though because you can play ImportError games
until Python 3.7 (presumably) is in widespread -and only- use.


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