* Paul Sokolovsky <pmis...@gmail.com>, 2017-06-25, 11:47:
A GitHub PR is just a git branch (in somebody else's repository, but also in the repository it's submitted to). So, like any git branch, you can fetch it, re-branch to your local branch, apply any changes to it, rebase, push anywhere.

Right, this is documented here:

There're also various tools for dealing specifically with git branch layout as used by Github, and every real man writes their own

I have this in my gitconfig:

        hub-pr = ! "_g() { set -e -u; git fetch origin \"pull/$1/head:gh-$1\" && git checkout 
\"gh-$1\"; }; _g"

If I want to checkout PR#42, I do:

$ git hub-pr 42

Jakub Wilk
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