On 06/25/2017 11:01 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
On Jun 25, 2017 10:27, "Larry Hastings" <la...@hastings.org <mailto:la...@hastings.org>> wrote:

    On 06/25/2017 10:02 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
    My dudes, in a previous life I helped invent distributed VCS, but
    I still get confused by fiddly git BS just like everyone else.

    Really?  I thought Bitkeeper was out before the monotone project
even started--and TeamWare had monotone beat by most of a decade. Not to downplay your achievements, but I don't think you "helped
    invent DVCS".  Or did you work on Bitkeeper / TeamWare?

If your response to the previous message is to send an email to all of python-dev nitpicking credentials, then I think you missed the point...

Actually, I agreed with the point, I just wanted you to clarify about your claimed bona fides here. And I notice your reply was sent "to all of python-dev" and contained a lot of "nitpicking"; either this behavior is permissible or it isn't.

DVCSes were a conceptual breakthrough, and the people behind it deserve all the praise and admiration we can heap on them. If you "helped invent" them--that's fantastic! Thank you! If you didn't, then it's misleading to claim that you did, so please don't.

Perhaps I could have phrased it better; feel free to pretend I wrote a several paragraph history tracing which systems influenced which instead.

I don't think that's necessary. "I was a core developer on a DVCS" would have handily made your point--you deeply understand DVCSes from both a conceptual and practical perspective--while also being brief and (IIUC) 100% accurate.

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