On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 1:26 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's also the case that unlike Go channels, which were designed from
> scratch on the basis of implementing pure CSP,

FWIW, Go's channels (and goroutines) don't implement pure CSP.  They
provide a variant that the Go authors felt was more in-line with the
language's flavor.  The channels in the PEP aim to support a more pure

> Python has an
> established behavioural precedent in the APIs of queue.Queue and
> collections.deque: they're unbounded by default, and you have to opt
> in to making them bounded.

Right.  That's part of why I'm leaning toward support for buffered channels.

> While the article title is clickbaity,
> http://www.jtolds.com/writing/2016/03/go-channels-are-bad-and-you-should-feel-bad/
> actually has a good discussion of this point. Search for "compose" to
> find the relevant section ("Channels don’t compose well with other
> concurrency primitives").
> The specific problem cited is that only offering unbuffered or
> bounded-buffer channels means that every send call becomes a potential
> deadlock scenario, as all that needs to happen is for you to be
> holding a different synchronisation primitive when the send call
> blocks.

Yeah, that blog post was a reference for me as I was designing the
PEP's channels.

> The fact that the proposal now allows for M:N sender:receiver
> relationships (just as queue.Queue does with threads) makes that
> problem worse, since you may now have variability not only on the
> message consumption side, but also on the message production side.
> Consider this example where you have an event processing thread pool
> that we're attempting to isolate from blocking IO by using channels
> rather than coroutines.
> Desired flow:
> 1. Listener thread receives external message from socket
> 2. Listener thread files message for processing on receive channel
> 3. Listener thread returns to blocking on the receive socket
> 4. Processing thread picks up message from receive channel
> 5. Processing thread processes message
> 6. Processing thread puts reply on the send channel
> 7. Sending thread picks up message from send channel
> 8. Sending thread makes a blocking network send call to transmit the message
> 9. Sending thread returns to blocking on the send channel
> When queue.Queue is used to pass the messages between threads, such an
> arrangement will be effectively non-blocking as long as the send rate
> is greater than or equal to the receive rate. However, the GIL means
> it won't exploit all available cores, even if we create multiple
> processing threads: you have to switch to multiprocessing for that,
> with all the extra overhead that entails.
> So I see the essential premise of PEP 554 as being to ask the question
> "If each of these threads was running its own *interpreter*, could we
> use Sans IO style protocols with interpreter channels to separate
> internally "synchronous" processing threads from separate IO threads
> operating at system boundaries, without having to make the entire
> application pervasively asynchronous?"


> If channels are an unbuffered blocking primitive, then we don't get
> that benefit: even when there are additional receive messages to be
> processed, the processing thread will block until the previous send
> has completed. Switching the listener and sender threads over to
> asynchronous IO would help with that, but they'd also end up having to
> implement their own message buffering to manage the lack of buffering
> in the core channel primitive.
> By contrast, if the core channels are designed to offer an unbounded
> buffer by default, then you can get close-to-CSP semantics just by
> setting the buffer size to 1 (it's still not exactly CSP, since that
> has a buffer size of 0, but you at least get the semantics of having
> to alternate sending and receiving of messages).

Yep, I came to the same conclusion.

>> By the way, I do think efficiency is a concern here.  Otherwise
>> subinterpreters don't even have a point (just use multiprocessing).
> Agreed, and I think the interaction between the threading module and
> the interpreters module is one we're going to have to explicitly call
> out as being covered by the provisional status of the interpreters
> module, as I think it could be incredibly valuable to be able to send
> at least some threading objects through channels, and have them be an
> interpreter-specific reference to a common underlying sync primitive.

Agreed.  I'll add a note to the PEP.

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