On 05/23/2012 04:06 PM, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
> Hi all,
> for past few days, I've been working on a project called pyp2rpm. It's a tool 
> that allows you to easily convert python package from PyPI to an RPM 
> specfile. I would like to get it tested before I package it into Fedora, so 
> if anyone is interested, here are the links:
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyp2rpm
> https://bitbucket.org/bkabrda/pyp2rpm
> You can install pyp2rpm by running "easy_install pyp2rpm" or "pip-python 
> install pyp2rpm".
> I will be glad for any comments/suggestions for improvement (including 
> comments like "hey, I don't understand your readme nor help and I don't know 
> how to use that!", which is why i intentionally didn't put any information 
> about usage here :) ).

How does this compare to Tarek Ziade's existing pypi2rpm project?

From a quick look, the main difference appears to be that pyp2rpm
creates a spec file only, while pypi2rpm creates the RPM directly.


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Infrastructure Engineering & Development, Brisbane
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