As of now, http://fedora.portingdb.xyz shows that we are 50% done porting Fedora packages to Python 3. This is a big magic milestone; if you're looking for a reason to celebrate, this is it! :)

Meanwhile, let me talk about what the number means and what the next steps are. 50% packages are "done" in Rawhide. "Done" is defined as either "Released"/"green" (packages that are either py3-only, or have py3 and py2 variants packaged), or "Dropped"/"gray" (package won't be ported, but there's a py3-compatible alternative packaged in Fedora -- for example: "python" is dropped because "python3" is available; "python-numeric" is dropped in favor of "numpy" even though the API s are different).

The classification of "green" packages is mostly automatic, and it's not perfect -- for example, python-twisted is green even though not all of the submodules are ported yet, and nothing checks if the packaged py3 versions actually works. For cases when there's a problem with the automatic process, manual overrides or notes can be put in [fedora-update.yaml].

Portingdb tracks Rawhide; Fedora 25 is currently missing about 4 packages to get to 50%. It might very well get to 50% before the release.

Now, what's next?
I can't speak for everyone involved, but at Red Hat's python-maint team, we'll tone down the focus on getting as many packages ported as possible. This led to us picking the low-hanging fruit, which is better left to people that are just getting started. We'll be around to answer questions, provide hints, and otherwise help others get the badges instead of stealing them for ourselves :)

Instead, we should shift our focus from porting specfiles to upstream projects. At this point, if some software is easy to port it was probably ported already; what we're left with are either tough nuts to crack or projects with few people relative to the codebase size. Some projects that come to mind that could use attention are GTK, Mercurial, Samba, wxPython, PySide, Koji & Fedora infra, Ansible. I don't know yet what our priorities should be here, but that's the general direction.

But even if it won't be *our* focus, RPM porting is still open – you can [contribute] toward the remaining 50%! Badges are waiting :)

[fedora-update.yaml] https://github.com/fedora-python/portingdb/blob/master/data/fedora-update.yaml
[contribute] http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/howto/

Petr Viktorin
python-devel mailing list

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