On 19 September 2016 at 12:56, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> For relatively small pieces of functionality, if it is useful enough, we
> should just add it to the std lib, and if it isn't, we should just say
> it isn't useful enough. We shouldn't condemn supporters of the idea to
> this false hope that if they can convince a thousand, or a million,
> people to download their package, it will be added to PyPI

"... to the stdlib".

Agreed. However, there are libraries already on PyPI that try to act
in the role of "useful bits that aren't in the stdlib". The boltons
project is one that I know of. Maybe a middle ground between stdlib
inclusion and outright rejection would be the suggestion to submit the
code to one of those 3rd party projects? There's no implication that
doing so means that there's any better chance of getting accepted for
the stdlib, but it does offer an option for people who want to publish
their idea for wider use.

For this particular suggestion, though, I don't think that's the case.
I think it's going to either be something that's accepted into the
stdlib, or something that's rejected as too platform-specific or messy
to standardise, and people should roll their own implementation.

I'm inclined to think there may be some scope for a blog entry or
HOWTO on customising your personal Python environment - what
facilities there are to do so, what other options (such as different
REPLs) are available, and how to judge whether it's worth doing or
not. Lots of people (myself included at times!) seem to be unaware of
the options available. It's not something I'm likely to ever write,
but if anyone is interested in doing so, it might be useful background
for this type of discussion.

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