On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 10:19:58AM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano writes:
>  > I see that Perl is leading the way here, supporting a large number of 
>  > Unicode symbols:
>  > 
>  > https://docs.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry.html
> In what sense is that "support"?  

In the sense that Perl 6 not only allows Unicode identifiers (as Python 
has for many years) but also Unicode operators and symbols. For example, 
you can use either the Unicode character ⊂ \N{SUBSET OF} or the ASCII 
trigraph (<) for doing subset tests.

>  > I must say that it is kinda cute that Perl6 does the right thing for x².
> Uh, as far as I can tell from that page, Perl has absolutely nothing
> to do with that.  You enter the Unicode code point as hex, and if the
> font supports, you get the character.

You missed the bit that Parl 6 interprets "x²" in code as the equivalent 
of x**2 (x squared).

In other words, ² behaves as a unary postfix operator that squares its 
argument. Likewise for ³, etc. You can even combine them: x³³ would be 
the same as x**33. There's more here:


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