On 11/16/2016 03:51 AM, Roland Hedberg wrote:

My question to you is if it would be possible to get an OAuth2/OIDC 
implementation like mine
to be part of the Python standard distribution.

I realise that I will have to rewrite parts of pyoidc because presently it uses 
(for instance pycryptdome and requests) that are not part of the standard 

My concern with a rewrite is that your code is no longer thoroughly tested.  Of 
course, this depends in large part on the completeness of your unit tests.

I agree with Cory that discoverability is the problem to solve.

You can help with that somewhat by seeding sites like StackOverflow with the 


* SO is not very tolerant of questions looking for opinion-based answers such as software 
recommendations, so make sure you phrase your question as "How do I do XXX using 
pyoidc?" and your answer can also include other links on the OIDC subject.
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