As another suggestion, I'd love an rmtree method analogous to shutil.rmtree.
And maybe also a remove method, that basically does:



if path.is_dir():






Ryan (ライアン)

Yoko Shimomura > ryo (supercell/EGOIST) > Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else


On Jan 24 2017, at 2:32 pm, Todd <> wrote:  

> I have been using pathlib, and I have come up with a few suggestions on what
would make the module more useful for me (and hopefully others):  
First, for me, extensions are primarily useful as a single unit.  So,
practically speaking, the extension of "spam.tar.gz" isn't ".gz", it is
".tar.gz".  So it would be nice to have some properties to make it easier to
deal with the "complete" extension like this.  There is a "suffixes" property,
but it returns a list, which you then have to recombine manually.  And as far
as I can tell there is no method to return the name without any extension.
And there is no method for replacing all the extensions at once.  
So although the names are tentative, perhaps there could be a "fullsuffix"
property to return the extensions as a single string, a "nosuffix" extension
to return the path without any extensions, and a "with_suffixes" method that
replaces all the suffix and can accept multiple arguments (which would then be
joined to create the extensions).  
Second, for methods like "rename" and "replace", it would be nice if there was
an "exist_ok" argument that defaults to "True" to allow for safe renaming.  
Third, it would be nice if there was a "uid" and "gid" method for getting the
numeric user and group IDs for a file, or alternatively a "numeric" argument
for the "owner" and "group" methods.  
Fourth, for the "is_*" methods, it would be nice if there was a "strict"
argument that would raise an exception if the file or directory doesn't exist.  
Finally, although not problem with the module per se, the example for the
"parts" property should probably show at least one file with an extension, to
make it clear how it deals with extensions (since the documentation is
ambiguous in this regard).  
Thanks for your time.  

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