On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 7:30 AM, Todd <toddr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, for me, extensions are primarily useful as a single unit.  So,
> practically speaking, the extension of "spam.tar.gz" isn't ".gz", it is
> ".tar.gz".  So it would be nice to have some properties to make it easier to
> deal with the "complete" extension like this.  There is a "suffixes"
> property, but it returns a list, which you then have to recombine manually.
> And as far as I can tell there is no method to return the name without any
> extension.  And there is no method for replacing all the extensions at once.
> So although the names are tentative, perhaps there could be a "fullsuffix"
> property to return the extensions as a single string, a "nosuffix" extension
> to return the path without any extensions, and a "with_suffixes" method that
> replaces all the suffix and can accept multiple arguments (which would then
> be joined to create the extensions).

+0. Not all files with multiple dots in them are actually using them
to mean multiple file extensions. Every day I'm working with files
that use dots to separate words in a title, or have section numbers
("4.2.5 Yada Yada Yada.md" does not have a base name of "4"), etc.
Since there's no perfect way to pin these down, this needs to be a
completely separate feature, and it'd only really be useful for some
situations. So go ahead, if there's interest, but the current one
shouldn't be deprecated or anything.

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