On 10Feb2017 1400, Stephan Hoyer wrote:
An important note is that ideally, we would still have way of indicating
that Spam.func should exists in on the Spam class itself, even if it
doesn't define the implementation. I suppose an abstractmethod
overwritten by the later definition might do the trick, e.g.,

class Spam(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def func(self):

def Spam.func(self):
    return __class__

An abstractfunction should not become a concrete function on the abstract class - the right way to do this is to use a subclass.

class SpamBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def func(self):

class Spam(SpamBase):
    def func(self):
        return __class__

If you want to define parts of the class in separate modules, use mixins:

from myarray.transforms import MyArrayTransformMixin
from myarray.arithmetic import MyArrayArithmeticMixin
from myarray.constructors import MyArrayConstructorsMixin

class MyArray(MyArrayConstructorsMixin, MyArrayArithmeticMixin, MyArrayTransformMixin):

The big different between these approaches and the proposal is that the proposal does not require both parties to agree on the approach. This is actually a terrible idea, as subclassing or mixing in a class that wasn't meant for it leads to all sorts of trouble unless the end user is very careful. Providing first-class syntax or methods for this discourages carefulness. (Another way of saying it is that directly overriding class members should feel a bit dirty because it *is* a bit dirty.)

As Paul said in an earlier email, the best use of non-direct assignment in function definitions is putting it into a dispatch dictionary, and in this case making a decorator is likely cleaner than adding new syntax.

But by all means, let's have a PEP. It will simplify the discussion when it comes up in six months again (or whenever the last time this came up was - less than a year, I'm sure).

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