On 07.11.2017 16:11, Paul Moore wrote:
It is, but like any such approach (Cygwin is similar, in principle if
not in execution) that makes one OS "look like" another, whether it's
appropriate is very dependent on circumstances. Training potential
Windows developers in a bash/Ubuntu style environment leaves them at a
disadvantage when they need to develop for actual Windows
Moreover, one of the key selling points of Python is that it can interface with anything and everything found in any environment! Rather than e.g. conjuring up a closed circle with own replacements for everything than forces everyone into the lowest common denominator like Java does.

*That's another key reason why I use & suggest using an installation "native" to the system whenever possible.* It's as close to "being an integral part of the environment rather than rejecting it and creating an inferior copy" philosophy as one can get.


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