On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:

> One of the things that bother me about end-line comments is that this is
> going to blow up line length limits.

Is that a problem? the linters can ignore lines to long if they are only
too long due to one of these :-)

> I think this could work if such
> pragma comments could apply to the following line, and multiline pragmas
> would be acceptable.  Then you could have something like:
>     # flake8: disable=unused-import
>     # mypy: alias=pathlib2.Path
>     # coverage: ignore=when>py2.7

I'd much rather have the tools all look at the entire comment for their
particular pragma.

and then, even if you wanted to put it on the previous line, you would't
have the line-length issue:

# flake8: disable=unused-import mypy: alias=pathlib2.Path coverage:



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