The syntax you propose is already in the Alternate syntax and there is an
implementation at

Already discussed, but no conclusion, for me I see two different proposals,
the "[y for x in range(5) with y = x+1]" in comprehensions list, and the
case in any expression "print (y with y = x+1)", as discussed the second
case corresponds to a simple assignment so is less useful, but if the scope
is local to the expression, that'd be useful : print(y with y = x+1);
print(y) # NameError

But I like it :)

Le 3 mars 2018 02:36, "Greg Ewing" <> a écrit :

> PEP 572 as it stands seems to have many problems:
> * Asymmetry between the first and subsequent
>   uses of the bound value
> * Embedded as-clauses are subtle and hard to spot
> * Ever more convoluted semantics are being invented
>   to address percieved pitfalls
> Alternative proposal
> --------------------
> Getting back to the original motivating use case of
> intermediate values in comprehensions, to my mind there
> is really only one clear and obvious way to write such
> things:
>    [(f(y), g(y)) for x in things where y = h(x)]
> Possible objections to this:
> * Requires a new keyword, which may break existing code.
> - Yes, but "where" is an unlikely choice of name, being
> neither a noun, verb or adjective, so it probably wouldn't
> break very *much* code. In return, we get something that
> resonates with language mathematicians have been using
> for centuries, and a word that can be usefully googled.
> * Out-of-order evaluation
> - Comprehensions and if-expressions already have that.
> Extension to other use cases
> ----------------------------
> There are some other situations in which it could be
> useful to have a similar construct.
> 1. Name bindings local to an expression:
>    roots = ([(-b-r)/(2*a), (-b+r)/(2*a)] where r = sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))
> 2. Names bound as part of an expression and also available
> in a following suite:
>    if m where m = pattern.match(text):
>       do_something_with(m)
> There's a problem, though -- if "where" in an expression
> creates bindings local to that expression, they're not
> going to be visible in the rest of a comprehension or
> compound statement.
> So I'm thinking that there would actually be three distinct
> usages of "where":
> A. As a clause in a comprehension, where it creates bindings
> local to the comprehension and is treated on the same footing
> syntactically as "for" and "if" clauses.
> B. In an expression, surrounded by parentheses for
> disambiguation. Bindings are visible only within the
> parentheses.
> C. Following the expression of an "if" or "while" statement.
> Bindings are visible within the preceding expression and the
> following suite.
> Note that case B avoids the issue of whether expression-local
> bindings affect the LHS of an assignment, because in
>    a[x] = (x * 2 where x = 17)
> the "x" bound by the where-clause is clearly restricted to
> the part in parentheses. This would be a syntax error:
>    a[x] = x * 2 where x = 17    # illegal
> --
> Greg
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