On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 9:06 AM, Kyle Lahnakoski
<klahnako...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I did use implicit concatenation for a long SQL statement, and a few
> long error messages, but the byte savings is not worth the increased bug
> density.
>>    self.db.execute(
>>        "CREATE TABLE files (" +
>>        "   bucket TEXT," +
>>        "   key TEXT," +
>>        "   name TEXT," +
>>        "   last_modified REAL," +
>>        "   size INTEGER," +
>>        "   annotate TEXT, " +
>>        "   CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (bucket, name)" +
>>        ")"
>>    )
> is almost identical to
>>    self.db.execute(
>>        "CREATE TABLE files ("
>>        "   bucket TEXT,"
>>        "   key TEXT,"
>>        "   name TEXT,"
>>        "   last_modified REAL,"
>>        "   size INTEGER,"
>>        "   annotate TEXT, "
>>        "   CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (bucket, name)"
>>        ")"
>>    )
> It looks like I am in the market for a linter that prevents implicit
> string concatenation!

Even better:

    CREATE TABLE files (
        bucket TEXT,
        key TEXT,
        name TEXT,
        last_modified REAL,
        size INTEGER,
        annotate TEXT,
        CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (bucket, name)

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