On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 3:39 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> Tens of thousands of non-English speakers have had to learn the meaning
> of what might as well be meaningless, random sets of symbols (to them)
> like "class", "import", "while" and "True". If they can do so, perhaps
> we English-speakers should stop complaining about how hard it is to
> memorise the meaning of a couple of symbols like ??.

"class", "import", "while" and "True" are keywords, not symbols. A
symbol is more cryptic than a keyword hence it comes at a higher cost
in terms of readability. Which is the reason why conditionals use
keywords instead symbols:

- we say "and" instead of "&&"
- we say "or" instead of "||"
- we say "not" instead of "!"
- we say "is" instead of "==="

AFAICT "?" would be the first one breaking this rule for conditionals
[1], and not only for them since it can also arbitrarily appear in
non-conditionals (x.?y).

[1] I know, we say "==" instead of "equal" and "!=" instead of
"different" but the equal sign implies an equality. "?" does not imply
"None-ness": it's arbitrary. Furthermore "==" and "!=" are much more
common than testing for "None", hence they have more reason to exist.

> Surely its no more
> difficult than learning the various meanings of ** and [] which we've
> already done.

It is more difficult if you consider that ? has different spellings
(?, ??, a?.b, ??=, ...), each spelling with a different meaning.

> *Its just spelling*. If it is a useful and well-defined feature, we'll
> get used to the spelling soon enough.

Such an argument may apply to other languages but not Python. The
philosophy of the language is all about readability and beauty since
day 1, and the main reason why Python got so successful despite being
slow. That's why we have mandatory indentation, to say one. We don't
*have to* get used to idioms which can decrease readability. When we
do there must be a good reason and the spelling should matter (I
remember the debates about decorators' syntax).

Giampaolo - http://grodola.blogspot.com
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