On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 10:31:28AM +0200, Brice Parent wrote:

> If I understand well the need (I'm unsure I've had it myself), it would 
> be easier to be able to import the function in the active context, like 
> this:
> def foo(a):
>     return a + c
> def bar(a, c):
>     return foo(a)
> def bazz(a, c):
>     import __file__.foo
>     return foo(a)
> I'm not saying the syntax is the one that should be used (__file__ 
> possibly not existing may be a problem), not even saying that we should 
> have this. I'm just showing a way to do the same thing with an easier 
> (to me) syntax.

The problem isn't that __file__ doesn't exist, it is that import DOES 
exist and does something completely unsuitable:

def bazz(a, c):
   # Make the *name* foo a local
   foo = globals()['__file__'].foo  # (roughly)
   return foo(a)

But this doesn't change the scoping rules used when calling foo. It 
still runs using lexical scope, which means the a+c line in foo() 
still refers to the global variable c.

What we would need is a completely different command, not "import", 
perhaps "load":

def bazz(a, c):
    foo = load('foo')
    return foo(a)

which would be equivalent to this pseudocode:

def bazz(a, c):
    get the source code of foo (hopefully still available!)
    foo = compile(source code as inner function)
    call foo

or possibly:

def bazz(a, c):
    make a copy of foo and its bytecode
    change all(?) the LOAD_GLOBAL bytecode to LOAD_DEREF
    call the modified copy of foo

Both implementations seem clunky, fragile and likely to be slow to me.

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