On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 06:18:56PM +0300, Kirill Balunov wrote:

> > > e) It leaves a room for a future changes (In fact, in some situations I
> > > would like to have this possibility).

> > Related to (e) is that there is room for other implementations to
> > permit changes to locals(), and furthermore, a fully-compliant Python
> > implementation may use an actual dictionary for locals, and simply
> > return that. (That CPython doesn't is an implementation detail for the
> > sake of performance.) Requiring that it be a proxy would impose
> > unnecessary cost on the implementation, without benefiting any
> > compliant use.

I would like to see CPython locals() return a mapping object which 
raises a warning when you mutate it.

* Currently, assignments to locals() simply do the wrong thing (modify
  the dict but fail to modify the local namespace) silently; such errors 
  should never pass silently.

* It should be a warning, not an error, since there are use-cases for
  modifying the local dict without caring about the namespace; in those
  cases we can simply silence the warning or ignore it.

* Introducing a warning makes it clear that this is not a de facto 
  language standard, but a mere implementation detail subject to
  change if somebody comes up with a better optimization for locals.

- Other implementations should be permitted to use local namespaces
  which are read/write (that's a Quality Of Implementation issue).

- Given that uses of locals() inside a function are already restricted
  and presumably uncommon, the extra cost of a warning is unlikely
  to be meaningful.

> Let me disagree with you. While CPython is only one of the implementations
> of the Python language, it is the most common one and defacto is considered
> as a standard.

Not in this case. If CPython intended this to be the language behaviour, 
it should specify that limitation instead of merely giving a doc warning 
that changes "may not" affect the local variables.

In fact, the warning in the docs is too strong. Modifying locals() 
inside a class or module scope is allowed, and works fine. It is only 
functions which is problematic.

> Therefore, all the others, to be compliant, try to replicate
> all subtleties and features of the basic implementation - CPython.

Implementations are expected to obey the documented behaviour (unless 
given special dispensation to break the rules, which I think has 
happened once or twice with MicroPython). For behaviour which isn't 
dpcumented, it is true that implementations *often* try to copy CPython, 
but that's not mandatory and there are exceptions.

PyPy is probably the alternate implementation which tries the hardest to 
duplicate CPython, but even PyPy has differences:


including a few things which the PyPy developers believe is a bug in 

This list of differences between Jython and CPython is terribly out of 
date, but I haven't found anything more recent:


> And even
> more so, I do not believe that anyone will rely or use such a feature.

Users of CPython frequently rely on CPython implementation details. Why 
do you think Jython and IronPython users will be different?

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